Duckett Creek Sanitary District – Who We Are and What We Do

The Environmental Protection Agency was created in 1970 under the direction of President Nixon.  The Clean Water Act was enacted into law soon after to establish guidelines and rules to protect rivers, streams and lakes from wastewater pollutants.

Duckett Creek Sanitary District was subsequently created to provide certain St. Charles County residents with sanitary sewer services.  Many lagoons, leaking septic fields and other outdated systems were removed and sewage began being treated by modern technology before reaching our streams and rivers.

We currently operate six waste water treatment facilities in St. Charles County.  We are not the only provider of sewerage services in the county, though.  The municipalities of St. Charles, St. Peters, O’Fallon, Wentzville and Lake St. Louis, as well as some regional systems, also treat sewage in the county.

The District serves approximately 41,000 residential customers and 1000 commercial customers, mostly in unincorporated portions of St. Charles County.  Our current residential rate for service is $21.75 per month, billed quarterly.  We have one of the lowest rates in the county and the state.

We are governed by a five member Board of Trustees, appointed by the County Executive to five year terms.  This board meets monthly to oversee the operation of the District.  To provide these services the District employs forty-six employees that work in field service, maintenance, inspection, administration and plant operations.

We take pride in our employees, the work they do and the service they provide our customers.  All new-hire employees must pass criminal background checks as well as a drug screen.  Those who are required to have a CDSL driver’s license are also random drug tested.  They are professional, courteous and efficient in the work they do.

The collection system consists of the six plants, 560 miles of sewer lines, 16,000 manholes and 46 pump stations.  This system must be maintained daily so sewage can flow or be pumped to the plants, before being released into the environment.

All of our plants are constructed and maintained at standards that meet or, in virtually all cases, exceed permit limits required by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  Three of these plants, because of their geographic locations were designed and constructed to meet extremely high standards for the water they release.

We enjoy opportunities to give tours to groups that would like to learn more about any of these treatment facilities.  If you are interested, just call our office, 636-441-1244.