
  • Treatment Plant #1 on Green’s Bottom Road at the end of Jung’s Station Road.

Service Area

The District provides sanitary sewer service to nearly 45,000 households and businesses in the southern and central portions of St. Charles County. The service area includes the cities of Cottleville, Weldon Spring, the majority of Dardenne Prairie, a small portion of the City of St. Charles, the southern portion of the cities of O’Fallon and St. Peters and all of the unincorporated areas adjacent to these municipalities.

Treatment System

Over 650 miles of sewer line are used to collect wastewater from over 40,000 service connections. Fifty lift station and pump stations deliver the wastewater to 6 treatment plants. The size and type of those treatment plants are as follows:

Name Type of Plant Maximum Capacity
Plant #1 Conventional 5 MGD
Plant #2 Conventional 7.0 MGD
Augusta Shores Conventional 60,000 GPD
Steven A. Rogers MBR 25,000 GPD
Wyndgate MBR 400,000 GPD
Riverdale MBR 148,000 GPD

Treated water is released to tributaries of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. The remaining sludge is applied to area farm land.

Traditional Wastewater Treatment

The District collects waste water from its customers through a network of sewer pipe. The majority of the waste water collected is treated by two waste water treatment plants located near the Missouri River. These plants are comprised of typical components used by the industry to treat waste water to the standards required by Missouri Department of Natural Resources to discharge into the receiving stream.

The interesting fact in treating waste water is that it is accomplished through a biological process and no chemicals are used. Aeration tanks allow this biology to feed on the unwanted contaminants in the water. Biosolids generated from this process have a beneficial reuse due to the nitrogen and phosphorus content which is spread on local farm fields as fertilizer. The District currently treats an average of 9 million gallons per day.

Membrane BioReactor Technology

In an effort to protect local creeks and streams and allow development to occur according to the county’s and cities’ master plans, Duckett Creek is now using Membrane BioReactor (MBR) Technology.

This new technology brings clean and reliable sewer service to areas of St. Charles County without the use of traditional package treatment plants. Those package plants released effluent that could be three times more polluted than the creek itself. In comparison, the MBR releases effluent that is much cleaner than the creek water; thus, improving the quality of our creeks and streams.

Although more expensive, MBR technology is environmentally-friendly, relatively noiseless and odorless. It can also be easily expanded to meet additional growth and, because of its small footprint, can be constructed to blend in with its environment.